Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Hd Qrs 16th Vt. Vols Camp at Union Mills Va March 28th 1863My Darling Wife,

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I got a long & good letter from you yesterday with the one fr Mrs Tripp. Am rejoiced you are so well & love me so much. I went to Washington Friday night & returned Sat. morn, or I would have sent a letter Saturday. So Darling, those letters are of great consequence. I wanted to see whether I paid $ 10 to Col. Proctor or Fred Crain And the letter you sent is sufficient evidence that I paid it to the Col. I should like to see the order I spoke of , however but do not trouble yourself about it. We are nicely situated here like better than at Fairfax Station We are doing considerable picket

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duty. I am wonderfully well. Getting fat & lazy. Guess I am almost as large as you. I cant realize or imagine how you look. Seems to me I should not dare to see you. I should be afraid of such a large woman. Are you fleshy? Your picture looks as tho you were. I was interrupted at this point but it is after “Taps” & all are quiet & I am alone with my dog & will finish this letter. Dont you wish you were here with me? I do my darling. I do love my own wife. My puppy wakes me up nights, so I am getting used to it. How many times does a baby generally wake up its “parents” I reckon the baby will have to sleep alone till he gets a brother to sleep with him. Jeff, my pup just came & teased to get up in

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lap, & sits here now seeing me write. He is going to make a monstrous dog I think. He sleeps on my feet nights, & when it is real cold towards morning he creeps up to get under the blankets, & every morning as soon as I open my eyes he comes up & lies down by my head. Wish you could see him, he is a splendid fellow. Every time I return after going away he is perfectly delighted to see me. I wish I could keep him to take home with me. How pleasant it is to have even a dog greet you warmly & cheerfully when you return home. I like to got a way just to see my little fellow jump & caress me. I think of the time when my wife & babies will. How much happiness there must be

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be in a true home. One free from jealousies, & petulance, & scoldings, but full of love & confidence & devotion. I know I shall enjoy my home above every thing else if I am not straightened in circumstances so I cannot make it comfortable. The pure love of a devoted wife & well trained children must be a world of hap- piness. A heaven on earth. My ambition will me devoted to business, but to return to my family when business is over will be my greatest joy. How foolish people are to depend on luxuries & sumptuousness for happiness. Sincerity & purity & love is the source of happiness. Darling what should I do without your love. What other anchor have I? Do not let that fail me. My own sweet darling wife you must always love me truly.

Good night my Angel wife
Yr husband W.

