Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp at Union Mills Va. June 15th 1863 Dear Sister,

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I will write you a line this morning as you will probarbly be glad to hear from us often now days while there is so much going on in our vacinity. Hooker’s Army is all around us at Manassas, Centerville, &c. it looks like having stirring times here within a few weeks. From the hill where we are encamped we can look over the river (Bull Run) to Manassas & beyond and see nothing but a cloud of dust in all directions, caused by the moving of troops; it has been so ever since yesterday noon. To day is an extremely hot day, not a bit of air stiring & the sun scalds down awfuly. The nights are cool, so we get along quite comfortably through the day. I have got no pass to Washington yet tho’ rather expect one to day, but may not get it, on acount of the war.

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If I do I shall go down this P.M. as I would rather like to send some of my money home; it would probarbly be full as safe there. If I cannot get a pass I shall send $20. at a time in a letter & send a letter every day until I dispose of all I wish to. If it gets lost so be it. Possibly I may put a $20. in this letter however if you dont find one you may think I did’nt conclude to. We hear all sorts of absurd rumors every five minutes. Lee, close by, Stuart Cav. in sight &c. &c. but we have learned to beleive nothing, & care for nothing, that we do not see, or that does not concern us personally. We’ll come out all right in the end. I reckon Lee intends going up through the Shannendoh Valley tho possibly he may come in this vacinity, if he does you know the 2d Vt Brigade will give him [Elick]

Dr. Geo. went down to Catletts Station yesterday, expect he will be back to day. Dont know where the 1st Vt. Brig. is but probarbly somewhere not far from us. Some say at Dumfries, some at Centerville &c. &c.

I will write no more to day as it

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is nearly mail time.

Love to all.
Your Aff. Brother Joseph Spafford

I shall write again tomorrow & let you know how things are about us. J.S.

P.S. 2d I finally conclude to put a $20. in this letter.

