Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Brandy StationMar 2d 1864My dear Wife:

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I have received two letters from you since I wrote last. With the making out my monthly report and the amount of work I have had to do and with the being quite sick, being obliged to lay a bed when I could get there. I have neglected to write, I am feeling very well to day and our in hopes I shall continue to get better. Dr Clark has just returned which will lighten my labors very much & I can favor myself more.

The Governor of Vt has been here to make us a visit. He and his staff dined with us on Saturday and we had a very pleas-ant time. I had a long talk with him showed him my hospital. I put my best foot forward I can tel you in hopes of making a favorable impression

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you know why. I am inclined to think the Col did not hurt me much. The Baxter also spoke a good word for me.

Mar 3d The weather is magnificent the robins are making noisy over it and the birds generally seem to be very happy, and I am feeling very well myself. Oh! I received your Valentine and have posted it up over my fireplace. It is a beautiful thing and how appropriate.

I always thought you appreciated my skill and this is the last evidence of that fact. There are things going on here in the army that are not allowed to be published and of course you are to keep mum. Genl Kilpatrick of the cavelry corps left his winter Quarters on Sunday eve, at 5 oclock with 10,000 picked men and horses, without any artilery or baggage, and crossed the Rapidan and has gone, echo answers when, but it is expected that he will be in Rich-mond to night. He took a large quantity

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of terpentine with him for the purpose of setting fire to something. He told Gov. Smith that he would be in Richmond or in Hell by Saturday night. Strong terms but characteristic of the man.

We have been under marching orders for more than a week. I must say I dread the coming campaign. There is hard work before us and hard fare too.

With this I send you $20.00- it is all I can send, as we have not been paid but one month. You must keep this for your own use, do not pay any debts with it for I do not know how soon we shall be paid again. Keep it, for the necessa-ries of life. There will be enough to pay all debts when we get our pay. I am obliged to keep a little for my necessary expenses.

It is costing us very much to live and every-thing is so very high, and we live pretty well for camp living.

You do not know how much I long

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to be here again. My love for home is stronger than it ever was before, and I want to see you and the children you do not know how much. Your last letter relieved my mind very much in regard to Jovis. It does not seem so we could loose the little fellow or any of the rest of our dear children.

I will acknowledge my thank to Dr Cunir for his kind attentions to our dear little boy.

I send with this a picture of my home, the tent on the left is Col Jewetts and the one on the right is Dr Clarks. You can see the Hospital in the distance. It is unfinished but you can see how we live. The House faces to the Southeast.

Remember me to all our friends and give my love to the children, and accept a heart overflowing with love for yourself

Your ever affectionate HusbandJ.C. Rutherford

