Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Warrenton VaJuly 27th 1863My dear Wife

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For the first time for many days do I have a chance to write to you, that to send a letter, and it is over 3 weeks since I have heard from home. We have been cut off from al mail commu-nication on account of our not remaining in our place more than one night. We been constantly on the march following up the enemy but have not been able to draw him into but our battle, and that but for a couple of hours, been corps (3d) down the fighting there. We have now some very rough times some days officers nor men had any thing to eat, but most of them bore their deprived times with cheerfulness. It would astonish you to see how well I endure the constant fatigue of continued long marches. It takes off some of my flesh, but I feel all right. We are on our way to Culpepper from there to

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Gordensville and from there to Richmond I hope. I must close this or it will not go in the mail

Give my love to the children and accept thousands for your dearself

Your affectionate husbandJ.C. Rutherford

