Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Camp of 12th. Vt. Vol. M.Three Miles below Warrenton Junction Va.May 4th. 1863My Dear Wife:

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I wrote you Friday night telling you that we were ordered to change camp. We marched from Wolf Run Shoals, Saturday forenoon, reached Union Mills about noon, took the cars there & reached this place just after four o'clk. We are on the R. R. where the road from Warrenton to Falmouth crosses it, about three miles from Warrenton Junction and eight or ten from Warrenton. We have nothing but our field equipage. No very good accommodations for ladies. We are encamped in an open field. The country is level & we can see miles of beautiful country. Wolf Run Shoals does not give one much of an idea of this part of Virginia. It must be a beautiful country to live in. I am now sitting in my shirt sleeves with the tent open & no stove. The air is as mild as June at home.

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I dont think we shall have much more weather as rough as we have had. I have my tent to myself with Nelson. He is now almost sick & has not been able to do anything since we came here. He is threatened with a fever but I hope will get over it. I had to leave "Burnie" at Wolf Run. I shall get him up to Union Mills soon & let him stay there till he gets better. I have "White Face" down here I shall not have so much riding to do as I had at the Shoals. It would be pleasant riding round here, but is not quite so safe as it was at the Shoals.

At Warrenton Junction there is considerable of a force of cavalry. Just below us is a small force of the 1st. Vt. Yesterday morning Moseby made a dash in upon this line, but got badly whipped. He heard our bugle call & supposed that we were cavalry. He came in sight of our tents & sent out some scouts to see what they could learn. They took Henry McKinstry and Dean of Co. H. and a man from Co. D. prisoners. The boys were out straggling around camp. They were taken up to where

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Moseby's force was stopping. Moseby questioned them and becoming satisfied that we were infantry said he wanted nothing to do with us, & turned towards the Junction taking the boys with him. When he reached the Junction the 1st. Virginia Cavalry were grooming their horses & had their saddles all off. Moseby charged upon them, firing pistols & had things all his own way till the N. Y. 5th. Cavalry, who were in the woods near by with saddles all on, came down the road at the full run. They came upon the Rebs. with sabres & did not give them time to reload, but drove them at full speed clear to Warrenton where Moseby passed with only fifteen men. Thirty three rebels were killed, or taken prisoner besides many who must have been wounded in the pursuit & fled to the woods. A rebel spy was killed in the fight by a Virginian who knew him.

I was here in command at the time, Col. Blunt having gone back to Union Mills the night before. The first I knew of the fight McKinstry came riding into camp

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as hard as he could ride saying that there was a fight going on at the Junction. When the 5th. N. Y. charged upon the rebs. they had enough to attend to without trying to keep the boys & they all got away. Moseby did not know anything about our forces here & got into a fine trap. Our folks took one Maj., a Capt. & two Lieuts. prisoners.

I don't think we shall have anything more to disturb us at present as more forces are being sent into their vicinity.

Dont be disturbed about us here. We can take care of ourselves & I hope shall see you all at the end of two months from today. The train is now in sight & as it will return immediately I must close. I will write again soon. Direct as usual. I shall send this to Charlestown, but will write the next time to Bradford.

Mr. Peach had a hard time getting here & was one day behind. Mrs. P. has gone into W. I believe. Write often for I am very anxious to hear from you. Laura write that Henry is at home & well. Write often.

Your affectionate husbandRos.

