Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Hd Qrs. 9th Vt Vols.Newport Bks N.C.Feby 12th 1864Dear Maria

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As I finished my letter a few days since we were about starting to the front, the Advance was only a reconnaisance, to ascertain whether or not the enemy were in this vicinity. We only went out eight or ten miles but found nothing of them so returned the next morning. Yesterday I made my report to Col Jourdan of all that transpired during the time I was in command and he told me he had complimented the 9th Vt and myself for our actions of the 2d and since but the Artilery officers were centured and I think one Capt will be courtmartialed. The enemy no doubt intended to capture the whole Regt and admitted their disappointment we have got about 45 missing- 13 were wounded and five killed. I came within two inches of getting hit in the head and many balls passed very near me I am thankfull that my life is still spared. I am now occupying an old salt house for my hd qrs- and am as comfortable as need be There are a thousand little incidents that I might relate- but my time is now limited for seventy more new recruits arrived day before yesterday

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and it takes much time to get every thing straightened out after such a mess. The Rebs left two of their wounded at a house out near Gales Creek and I went out and saw them yesterday. They were expected to die when they were left so they were striped of their clothing and left at this house to die but I think they will both recover. They paroled some of our wounded and left them at houses in this vicinity. I am real well and stand the [bivouac], and salt Pork & Hard bread finely. We get new tents to day and expect to get to living soon. I hope to hear from you soon and get the news that the Children are entirely well. I hope my horse will be forth coming for I need another very much. I have a chance to buy one here but expect the one from home so will let it go till I hear from you. You may send the Box as soon as you like I dont think of any thing more I want now.

Your Aff HusbandV. G. Barney

