Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to HIRAM POWERS, dated May 15, 1865.

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Publication InformationTurin May 15 1865

Dear Powers

I forgot to say in writing you yesterday, that I was ready to pay you for the bust by bill on London whenever you will be good enough to let me know the amount. As gold is still at a considerable premium if you wish to invest in America, probably it will be best for that I draw soon, while to it is the same at any time. The bill will be on the Barings, at . Please let me know the sum in pounds sterling

Yours trulyG P Marsh

H Powers Esq

References in this letter:

Powers, as a gesture of friendship to Caroline Crane Marsh (1816-1901) and her husband, George Perkins Marsh, American ambassador to Italy, had her sit for a bust in June 1862. The marble replica made from the plaster cast, presented to the Marshes in late 1864 or early 1865, is now in the Fleming Museum of the University of Vermont.

