Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated December 17, 1874.

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Publication InformationRome Dec 17 74

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Dear Baird

I recd a week ago yours of the and this morning the Irrigation Report came to hand. The statistics are interesting, but it's not the production of men who have paid any attention to the question of the uses and misuses of irrigation, as a system.

About Jany 1 I shall send another box of books to the State Dept & I think there will be some Nos of the Archeol. Bol. I shall send the case by steamer from Leghorn, as we have no other way.

I see the Com.

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of Agric. has omitted my paper on Irrig. from his Report

I am sorry for it, and I think it contains some things which ought to be more widely known than the shamefully blundering Senate editor will make them.

Love to allYours trulyG P Marsh

Prof Baird

References in this letter:

Board of Commissioners on the Irrigation of the San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys of the State of California. Map of the San Joaquin, Sacramento and Tulare Valleys, State of California: showing the country that may be irrigated and a provisional system of irrigation. [Washington] : Published by authority of the Hon. Secretary of War in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1873.

Archaeological Bulletin of the Muncipality of Rome Rome. Commissione Archeologica. Bulletino: 1872-1920.

George Perkins Marsh, Irrigation: Its Evils, the Remedies, and the Compensations. Rome, July 24, 1873. February 10, 1874; 43 Congress I Session; Senate Miscellaneous Documents 55.

