Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated January 24, 1871.

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Dear Baird

I received your letter of the with its funny German-English enclosure some time ago. I have been disabled, for three weeks, by the bursting of a vein, with much effusion of blood, in my right eye, & must now be very brief in my reply.

I am very glad to hear of your doings Harper and his readers, though I cannot congratulate you in having anything to do Harpers or any booksellers whatever. If the curse of Cain resteth anywhere, it is on them.

I shall subscribe for Harper at once. I hope you don't follow the vile way of Aus der Natur in leaving out the titles & dates of all books referred to. My bile hath often been roused by reading in that periodical how Schmidt or Müller, or Weber had found out so and so, without any hint of the book where Schmidt's c

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observations are to be found. If you have thus done, repent and sin no more---

Our astronomers dodge us in returning from the eclipse. I know nothing of their doings, except that an English friend, who was at Catania, writes us that the Americans gathered all the glory.

Mrs Marsh has been confined to the bedside of a sick niece since July, & there is no hope of her release before spring. It has drawn very hard on her little stock of vitality

I have gained great glory by the distribution of the documents you sent me. 'Tis as good as if I had written them all myself.

Mrs Marsh joins me in affectionate regards to you all

Mrs Edmunds gives fabulous accounts of your exploits down East. I doubt not you had a glorious time, & I would fain spend a month with [you] on the southern shore of Sicily which is the fishiest place I know of except the Gulf of Akaba.

Yours trulyG P Marsh

Prof Baird

References in this letter:

Harper's Magazine. New York: 1850-present. Monthly.

Caroline Crane Marsh had several nieces as companions at various times in Italy. The one here mentioned is called "Ellen" in a letter by George Perkins Marsh on May 24, 1871.

Susan Edmunds was Marsh's niece and the wife of Senator George Franklin Edwards.

