Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated December 31, 1869.

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Publication InformationFlorence Dec 31 69

Dear Baird

A fortnight ago, I sent to Leghorn, to be shipped to the U. S. Despatch Agt at New York a box of books & documents for the govt & the Smithsonian, & among them is a Report on education in Italy, for good Dr Cutting, which please forward him, with the enclosed letter.

Mrs Marsh much regretted not seeing you at Washington. Our very dear niece Carrie, who is with the Edmunds's, will see you after, & you can't help liking her, nor she you, which will make a beautiful [sympathy?].

Well, we wish you all a happy New Year

Yours very trulyG P Marsh

Prof. S F Baird

References in this letter:

Mary Baird's cousin, the Rev. Sewall Sylvester Cutting (d. 1880), was a professor at the University of Rochester. He encouraged exploration expeditions in the American northwest.

George Franklin Edmunds (1828-1919) began his career practicing law in Burlington. He served in the Vermont State House of Representatives and in the State Senate. In 1866 he was elected to the United States Senate as a Republican to fill the vacancy caused by Solomon Foot's death and served for four terms. He resigned in 1891. Edmunds was married to Susan Edmunds, the daughter of Marsh's sister and Wyllys Lyman, his Burlington friend.

