Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated February 22, 1860.

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Publication InformationWoodstock Feb 22 . 60

Dear Baird

I have requested Mr Scribner to send you a copy of my Lectures, and one of Mrs Marsh's Poems, which you & Mary may divide between yourselves, equitably. You aren't bound to read them, because they are presentation copies, but you are to praise them, and advise everybody to buy them.

I wish you a happy Washington's birthday, & so farewell

Yours trulyG P Marsh

References in this letter:

Charles Scribner (1821-1871) founded a publishing house 1846 that became Charles Scribner's Son in 1870. He first published the Marshs' books in 1860: Caroline Crane Marsh's Wolfe of the Knoll, and other poems and George Perkins Marsh's Lectures on the English Language. In 1864 Scribner published Marsh's Man and Nature.

