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Publication InformationWashington June 15 48


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Dear Baird.

I have just received yours of the 13', & am extremely obliged to you for the trouble you have taken. I presume I shall send George to one of the schools you refer to, but he writes me, that D Siedhof has consented to his remaining through the quarter, and therefore I shall not need to make a new provision for him under 6 or 8 weeks. I should have had a much better opinion of D Siedhofs regard for the laws of good breeding, if he had thought proper to reply to my certainly not offensive letter, instead of

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barely telling George, that he could stay, but I have heard nothing directly from him.

I wrote you yesterday in reply to yours by Gen'l C. & presume you have received or will soon receive, a satisfactory answer from Prof. Henry. I forgot to mention that the cost of the Cuvier was $2.75, $3.23. I wish I could believe it would be practicable for me to take Carlisle on my route home, but there are symptoms of rebellion in a certain quarter of Vermont, which will probably make it necessary for the distinguished representative from the Third District to proceed against the insurgents with as little delay as possible after the adjornment, but I hope we shall visit you on our return in November.

I am very sincerely yoursGeo P Marsh

Prof. Baird

References in this letter:

Sylvester Churchill and Lucy Hunter Churchill were Mary Churchill Baird's parents. A Vermont native, Sylvester Churchill (1783-1862), served in the War of 1812, was Inspector General in the Mexican War, and Brigadier General during the Civil War.

Frédéric Cuvier (1769-1832), a French naturalist and pioneer in comparative anatomy, developed a system of zoological classification. He is the author of Des dents de mannifere(1825), a catolog of the comparative anatomy collections at the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris.

Marsh was elected to the U.S. Congress in 1843 as a Whig and was re-elected until 1849 when he resigned to become United States Minister to Turkey.

