Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated February 14, 1848.

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Publication InformationWashington Feb 14 '48


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Dear Baird

I congratulate you on the interesting accession to your zoological cabinet, & hope on some future occasions to have opportunities of watching its development and progress --

I should take much pleasure in complying with the request of your society, but I have already two engagements for August, & should not be willing to repeat the same discourse so often. Besides this, if the session lasts till your commencement, it is not at all probable, that the business of the House will allow my absence at that period, I must therefore beg leave respectfully to decline the invitation ?

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I should have been much gratified, if you had arrived at a different conclusion in respect to removing to Burlington, but I did not think that I could advise such a step, however pleasing it would have been to me to have you for a neighbor. I have a Dutch grammar, which is at your service (I have two) if I can get it from Burlington. Do you want a dictionary too? Love to Mary & Mrs C. Mrs Marsh is quite ill, and I feel a good deal of concern about her, as her symptoms, I fear, indicate organic disease.

I am, dear, sirYour sincerel friendGeo P Marsh

