Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, [circa 1887 November]

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Sat. Night.Dear Mama:-

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It is nearly train time but I am going to try and get this into the office, if I dont write much.

This has been a very busy day with me as Sat's. generally are. Began at 7 to study on Arithmetic, till 10.

Bath till 11, writing till dinner. this afternoon I have spent with Prof. & Mrs Story. Had a good many things to talk with Prof. about so I

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made him quite a visit. He will let me have $25. in Dec. without fail.

He gave me encouragement for this yr's. work. & thinks there is no use worrying. But he dont know any more than I do about it. We'll hope for the best anyhow, Wont we? It seems as though you all took it for a certainty that I would graduate, which

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I dont like near as much as I should to have you think perhaps I may fail. But Mama it would kill me. I stand higher now in English than Arithmetic.

Do you think you can send me the money for my shoes next week.? I have now about 80[cent symbol] Am going to go without my hat triming. Expected a letter from you to day

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but didn't get one. I shall be home Tues. night Nov. 22. have till Tues morn. Hope to have dress seen to then.

Your tired girl


Write to me Mamma.

Love to papa & children.

