Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, [1887 October 3?]

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At the Normal.Thurs. morning.My Darling Mother.-

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Oh! I'm happy this moment you bet, and the rest of the set seem inclined that way, for we had an ex. in arithmetic and a lot of us have raised our standing a heap, I had a hundred, so did Tom and quite a number others. Tom, Jennie & I have come off into No. 1. to study. For it is so very stormy we are not going home. Mrs. Andrews has sent up our dinners and so we are not to leave the Normal till Mr. A. comes after us to-night, but stay here all day. [Phleura] is carrying on her class in geography in the room, and its a perfect buzz. I don't mean her class though, but those sitting in the room, seem to be enjoying themselves pretty well, at least a part of them.

The class are buried in tracing out the currents of the ocean, and [Phleura] seems to be getting nervous, for some dont talk fast enough to suit her, some talk all the time, some ask to many useless questions etc. etc. She keeps her old eyes on me pretty well, guess she

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thinks we're writing notes up here in the back part of the room. Tom keep looking up at me and smiling & shaking his head, just to plague her a bit. Guess she'll survive it though.

We had the lovliest X mas. Didn't go to the Park till Sat. afternoon. I had a severe headache, or neuralgia & it was cold so we gave it up. We all went to the village inn, there were about thirty of us & we had a big time. There were six in our team. Mr. A. took all of us girls up to Mr Story's Mon. Eve to a X mas tree. There was a great many there. I rec'd at the tree a very fine white handkerchief from Mrs. A. with very pretty work in it, and a "very expensive?" card which I heard afterward came from Dr. Wilson altho he is at his home in Whitehall. But he's coming tonight & all of "Andrews Six" are going over to meet him, if nothing prevents.

Mr. A gave us a fine cabinet of himself,

Miss Perry, gave me a blue satin memory cushion.

I had 3 X mas cards from others.

